How to order

  1. Search the online catalog for products under the product category and sub-category (or simply search the product using catalog # or name using “Search” function at lower left corner on “Home” page.
  2. After identify the product to order, simply click the shopping cart on the right side. This will lead you to “My Cart” page. Adjust the quantity by click the “+” under “Quantity”.
  3. Clicks “Keep shopping” to continue add new products.
  4. If you finish selecting the product, simply click “Contact us” button at lower right corner, which will bring you to the “Confirm my order” page. Please fill the required information on the page, and attach PO if you already have one.
  5. If you would like to get a quotation before placing the order, simply put in comment in “Questions & Comments” section by writing “Please provide a quotation for the order”. We will provide the quotation in next 24 hours through email.
  6. If you would like to place the order using credit card (we accept Visa and Master cards), simply put in comment in “Questions & Comments” section by writing “Please call me for credit card information”. We will call you in the next few days to obtain your card information.
  7. You can always email for your order as usual.